America’s Best Buy in Steel Aircraft Hangars

Getting expensive aircraft, helicopters and maintenance gear out of the weather and securely stored is essential for smooth operation and long life. Our steel aircraft hangars offer affordable, strong and long-lasting solutions for the aircraft environment. Obstruction-free interiors with wide spans provides maneuvering room needed, lowering risk of damage during routine maintenance.

Talk with us about your particular application and we can provide a no-nonsense quote for your steel hangar structure. You’ll be impressed by the value and the construction speed and simplicity offered by our “single-truck” delivery program. Call today for more info!

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America’s Best Buy in 
Steel Aircraft Hangars

Getting expensive aircraft, helicopters and maintenance gear out of the weather and securely stored is essential for smooth operation and long life. Our steel aircraft hangars offer affordable, strong and long-lasting solutions for the aircraft environment. Obstruction-free interiors with wide spans provides maneuvering room needed, lowering risk of damage during routine maintenance.

Talk with us about your particular application and we can provide a no-nonsense quote for your steel hangar structure. You’ll be impressed by the value and the construction speed and simplicity offered by our “single-truck” delivery program. Call today for more info!

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(KY Model 97)

Our Ultimate Steel Hangar Building Kit has standard features which other companies consider options and charge you extra. We improve on the Enhanced Package by adding more wall framing for the most framing in the industry and a 40 year color roof. Kentucky Steel’s “original rigid frame” trusses are a unique, patented design that gives superior strength through flush mounted wall framing. Our buildings are designed for EZ framed openings for all type of doors. We can design your system for any weather conditions!
  • 50 year truss warranty included
  • Snow loads to 100 pounds per square foot
  • Wind loads to 180 mph
  • 40 year paint warranty on walls included
  • 40 year paint warranty roof included
  • 80,000 psi high tensile steel roofing and siding
  • 2’ on center roof purlins, 2’ on center wall girts included
  • 2# per square foot collateral load standard
  • Girts and Purlins are Galvanized for longevity
  • Clips are factory welded into place for your girt and purlin attachments
  • Full base girt and rat guard included
  • Deluxe Super Sized Ribbed Trims included
  • Long Life Color Matched Fasteners with EPDM washers included
  • 2/12 of 4/12 standard roof pitch option
  • Full Load end wall trusses included

(KY Model 97)

Our Ultimate Steel Hangar Building Kit has standard features which other companies consider options and charge you extra. We improve on the Enhanced Package by adding more wall framing for the most framing in the industry and a 40 year color roof. Kentucky Steel’s “original rigid frame” trusses are a unique, patented design that gives superior strength through flush mounted wall framing. Our buildings are designed for EZ framed openings for all type of doors. We can design your system for any weather conditions!
  • 50 year truss warranty included
  • Snow loads to 100 pounds per square foot
  • Wind loads to 180 mph
  • 40 year paint warranty on walls included
  • 40 year paint warranty roof included
  • 80,000 psi high tensile steel roofing and siding
  • 2’ on center roof purlins, 2’ on center wall girts included
  • Girts and Purlins are Galvanized for longevity
  • Girts and Purlins are Galvanized for longevity
  • Clips are factory welded into place for your girt and purlin attachments
  • Full base girt and rat guard included
  • Deluxe Super Sized Ribbed Trims included
  • Long Life Color Matched Fasteners with EPDM washers included
  • 2/12 of 4/12 standard roof pitch option
  • Full Load end wall trusses included

(KY Model 99)

Our Basic Steel Hangar Building Kit has standard features which other companies consider options and charge you extra. They include every aspect from our ultimate model except the following... 
  • A 40 year color roof
  • 40 year paint warranty roof included
  • 2’ on center roof purlins, 2’ on center wall girts included or 4’ on center wall girts included!
  • 4/12 standard roof pitch
  • Optional “Hideaway” Truss Columns

(KY Model 98)

Our Enhanced Building includes everything in our Base kit plus more! 
  • We improve on the Basic Package by adding more roof framing.  
  • Plus, instead of 4' on center roof purlins you get 2’ on center roof purlins and 4’ on center wall girts included!

(KY Model 99)

Our Basic Steel Hangar Building Kit has standard features which other companies consider options and charge you extra. They include every aspect from our ultimate model except the following... 
  • Girts and Purlins are 4’ on center, not 2’ on center . 
  • 2/12 standard roof pitch 

(KY Model 98)

Our Enhanced Building includes everything in our Base kit plus more! 
  • We improve on the Basic Package by adding more roof framing.  
  • Instead of 4' on center roof purlins you get 2’ on center roof purlins and 4’ on center wall girts included!
  • 4/12 standard roof pitch


Kentucky Steel buildings are designed with the do-it-yourselfers in mind. A step by step construction manual, computer designed drawings, and foundation guide will take you or your local contractor from ground preparation to the final touches. Our delivery policy is on time, “everything on one truck” shipping. Your building will arrive COMPLETE with all parts!

You can make your building color selection from thirteen beautiful colors. Deluxe “supersized ribbed trims” are always standard. Kentucky Steel engineered our panel to meet our customer’s need for a commercial look, waterproof fit and economical price. The self-drilling screw fasteners are color coded to match your steel cladding.

Many options for overhangs with soffit, self-supporting roofs, porch roofs, wainscoting, insulation, gutters and downspouts, windows, doors, cupolas, etc. are available to purchase through your steel building one stop shop, Kentucky Steel.



Kentucky Steel buildings are designed with the do-it-yourselfers in mind. A step by step construction manual, computer designed drawings, and foundation guide will take you or your local contractor from ground preparation to the final touches. Our delivery policy is on time, “everything on one truck” shipping. Your building will arrive COMPLETE with all parts!

You can make your building color selection from thirteen beautiful colors. Deluxe “supersized ribbed trims” are always standard. Kentucky Steel engineered our panel to meet our customer’s need for a commercial look, waterproof fit and economical price. The self-drilling screw fasteners are color coded to match your steel cladding.

Many options for overhangs with soffit, self-supporting roofs, porch roofs, wainscoting, insulation, gutters and downspouts, windows, doors, cupolas, etc. are available to purchase through your steel building one stop shop, Kentucky Steel.




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